by YWAM Central Europe | Jul 29, 2020 | YWAM, YWAM Greece
Our ministry in Athens has mostly worked with refugees who have been steadily arriving in both big and small numbers during the 5 years that we been here. It is a joyful thing to share the gospel with people who hear it for the first time in their lives. The refugee...
by bronwyn | May 14, 2020 | Central Europe, Central European Gathering, YWAM
The pioneering and leadership course was targeted toward those who are pioneering new ministries or bases at their location, or for a leader in any sort of role, whether leading a base, leading a ministry, or leading a team. I had the pleasure of attending this course...
by cewebadmin | Sep 19, 2018 | YWAM
What can I say about YWAM Together 2018? I was part of the organising team after being invited by Rebecca Gibbons (who used to be in the Czech Republic and we worked together as the CE communications team until she moved to Thailand in 2012). It was a privilege to be...
by cewebadmin | Sep 5, 2018 | InTouch, Summerlife, YWAM, YWAM Romania
During the past six summers, inTouch has been coming to Prod in Romania. Part of YWAM Associates International, inTouch camps are geared towards encouraging former and current YWAMers but also giving friends of YWAM (supporters, sending churches, family members of...
by cewebadmin | Apr 19, 2017 | Central European Gathering, YWAM, YWAM Albania
Last year the YWAM Europe leadership started talking and dreaming about a having a huge YWAM Europe gathering along the theme of “Family without borders”. The last big meeting was in Herrnhut in 2007, so it was time. From the beginning the place seemed to...
by cewebadmin | Sep 28, 2016 | YWAM, YWAM Albania
When Alket and I felt to pioneer the YWAM centre in Durres, one of the things we felt strongly was that Durres is a significant city in Albania and the region. Let me mention a couple of reasons: Paul came and preached the gospel to Durres and from there the gospel...