16 Nations, 34 Locations

Youth With a Mission Central Europe
"Taste of Central Europe"

16 Nations, 34 locations, and many amazing people

The Central European region stretches from Poland in the north to Greece in the south, and from the Black Sea in the east to the Adriatic Sea in the west. With a population of 134 million people, this is a diverse and culturally colorful area. YWAM Central Europe is comprised of 16 beautiful nations, all of which are filled with unique people groups, landscapes, and cultures. Throughout this region, we have both large missional communities, as well as small teams of missionaries – some of which have been serving their communities for decades, while others are currently in the process of pioneering. Amongst our many locations, you will find many Discipleship Training Schools (DTS), secondary schools with YWAM’s University of the Nations, as well as a myriad of ministries in every shape and form. 

YWAM has a decentralized structure that encourages new vision and the exploration of new ways to change lives through training, conveying the message of the gospel, and caring for those in need. 


We long to see the people of Central Europe fully alive and redeemed, walking in their true identity and intimacy with Jesus, and uniquely influencing the nations with the gospel for the kingdom of God. 

Our Foundational Values

1. Know God
2. Make God known
3. Hear God’s voice
4. Practice worship and intercessory prayer
5. Be visionary
6. Champion young people
7. Be decentralized
8. Be international and interdenominational
9. Have a biblical Christian worldview
10. Function in teams
11. Exhibit servant leadership
12. Do first, then teach
13. Be relationship-oriented
14. Value the individual
15. Value families
16. Practice dependence on God
17. Practice hospitality
18. Communicate with integrity





Coffee Cups

Recent Stories

Have a look at our recent stories from our amazing communities around Central Europe. 

Debriefing Retreat coming up!

Debriefing Retreat coming up!

A life in missions can be exciting and purposeful. Our desire is to live our best life— fulfilling the calling that God has for us. However, it can also be a very challenging journey.  It is not uncommon to experience stress from transitions, cross-cultural living,...

The best week of his life!

The best week of his life!

Fane - on the left - often joins us at the inTouch camps in Prod, Romania.  Seen here cooking at an outside pizza oven in 32c heat several years ago, he helps in many practical ways to keep the camp running smoothly - while also attending every teaching session.  At...

My Timing

My Timing

This year the main theme was "My Timing” and God was emphasizing His timing in many areas: to be known for who He is, to worship Him, and to surrender all our ideas of how He looks and how He should operate in our lives. We had four main sessions: 1- "At the Altar,”...