Generations Living the Kingdom of God Together
Kings Kids locations
Kings Kids Poland
Kings Kids Constanta, Romania
Kings Kids Medias, Romania
Kings Kids Czechia
Kings Kids Albania
- Kings Kids Slovakia
Kings Kids Central Europe.
Come be a part of the stories!
Generations Living the Kingdom of God Together
What is Kings Kids?
King’s Kids International (KKI) is an international movement, embracing a kingdom lifestyle that is family-based and generationally linked.
Our purpose is to mobilize, equip, reach out and care for children, youth and families knowing God, bringing Him joy and making Him and His Kingdom known.
Generations Living the Kingdom of God Together
Mission Statement:
To lead children, youth and families knowing God, bringing Him joy and together making Him and His Kingdom known.
Founding Scripture, Deuteronomy 6:6-7
These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
Values and Principles:
Loving God
We want to know him and bring him joy.
Our primary desire is to love and obey God.
Life Training
Daily life provides many opportunities to be trained as followers of Jesus.
We believe discipleship is mainly relational and happens in everyday life.
No ordinary child
Children, preteens and teenagers have a God-given destiny and spiritual capacity.
We believe the emerging generations can know, love and serve God.
Families are important.
We believe the biological family is foundational to life and represents the best context for training the emerging generations.
Better Together
Linking the generations.
We believe the linking of generations across the spiritual family is vital to living and sharing the Kingdom of God.
Leading and partnering together.
We believe teamwork at every level of leadership provides wisdom, safety and creativity.
Reaching Out
Make Jesus known to all people
We believe that the Good News about Jesus and his Kingdom is to good to be kept for ourselves. We want to share it.
Living Life ‘Knit Together’
God didn’t give us a rescue plan for saving the earth – he saved the earth by inviting us into community!
Around Central Europe
Our Kings Kids stories .
Royal Rangers Medias, Romania
I was born and raised in a village in northern Romania, on the border between the old region of Bistrita, inhabited by ethnic Germans, and the area of Nasaud (Somesului Mare Valley), inhabited by Romanians. The valley I grew up in was long, with many hills,...
Kings Kids Polands Weekend Camps
Once you know Jesus and experience His love, you can't get away from it. We all know this. Praying and reading scripture - though often challenged by our human flesh - becomes almost like a drug. The desire to be even more deeply in relationship with Him and to know...
We believe in young people and the power of trust.
Leadership is all about creating room and opportunities for people to flourish. The power of leadership is to trust and believe in other people. That is one of the core values of leadership, to empower others to become the best version of what God has...