Once you know Jesus and experience His love, you can’t get away from it. We all know this. Praying and reading scripture – though often challenged by our human flesh – becomes almost like a drug. The desire to be even more deeply in relationship with Him and to know His heart deepens.  As we fill ourselves with Him, we have a natural desire to show Him to others. “To know Him and make Him known” – this is the mission, the purpose and the primary reason for reunions. 

For this task, we need each other. We need people, relationships, and support, to learn and stretch our character.  Since our Kings Kids groups are spread all over the country, we organize camps about every 3 months where the whole family comes together. It’s a great time to talk, share our lives and listen to God’s voice. Mostly young people – but not only –  come here hungry to be filled with what is good. God is really good. We feel His amazing guidance and blessing in building our family and learning more about our mission. Thanks be to the Lord! 

What makes these reunions a little different from conferences or camps, is the closeness of relationship we maintain. God’s kingdom is not about the big show, making a fun program, creating the best working registration app, the best dance, or breaking the attendee record. Of course, these are all tools that are useful in ministry. We are supposed to give 100% and do everything as unto the Lord,  and of course we LOVE big conferences and events!  

But when we focus on the root cause I think the real essence of ministry and growing is our heart, following step by step what the Lord tells us and giving ourselves joyfully in whatever we can do for Him and others. We should seek to bring the Kingdom of God in whatever we do. 

So, what do we do at these gatherings? We talk, listen, pray, laugh, cry and barely sleep! We worship the Lord together, read His word and meditate on it in small groups. During the teachings, we listen to the experience and wisdom of the older ones in our group. We dance, sing, and strengthen our relationships. Since a large part of the group are teenagers – there is always plenty of food! 

Each cycle of gatherings (which lasts a year) has a specific goal. This year we are preparing for a summer mission trip. It is a special desire to give a piece of our time off and show Jesus to those who have not yet met Him. Our leader Greg often says that mission is not a project, but it is the fruit of a relationship with God, a natural desire to serve others. He says that mission begins in our immediate environment. So we learn to care for each other and to serve one another.

During this little camp we learn dramas and dances to use as tools for ministry. We listen to testimonies of those who have already been involved in mission and who have experienced God’s work. These often simple but always amazing stories give us enthusiasm! 

We try to work on our characters and the fundamentals of our hearts. Recently we also had a small cooking course to learn how to prepare cheap but tasty food.

Personally, those 3 days every few months are a wonderful time. Even after the gathering, I feel like I’m flying! Being with other Christians before God gives me wings. It is a time when I learn to improve my character and on the other hand forget about myself and care for others. It is a time when I can verify my heart in a practical and safe place. Although there are always difficult situations, and the devil tries to stop many of our activities, we know that the battle is already won! God is above all difficulties and truly is the God who provides. All we have to do is trust Him and be constant. He is the God who strengthens and gives hope. That’s why we keep doing it! Besides, how would we grow if we weren’t constantly stretched?

We bless you very much from Poland! We hope to encourage you with this short story of what is going on in our community.  Do not stop serving in yours! Do not stop taking care of each other. Do not stop listening to His voice. Thank you for being obedient to God. Truly your stories and testimonies are very inspiring to us. May God provide and strengthen you!

 “May the Lord bless and keep you. May the Lord light his face upon you, may he bestow his grace upon you. May he turn his face toward you and give you peace” Numbers 6:24-26

Marysia Chrzanowska 

Junior King’s Kids Poland Leader

Marysia grew up in Grodzisk Mazowiecki, Poland. She is 16 years old and is halfway through high school. Her passions are XCO mountain biking and music, and she just loves hanging out with people. She is a great junior leader of Kings Kids in Warsaw.