Farewell Celebration for Carmelita

It is always sad to say „Goodbye“ to somebody we deeply respect and love. When we came together for Carmelita’s farewell celebration at the beginning of January I felt sad, but also it felt like a wonderful privilege to spend this special time with Carmelita and to...

Book Review | Philip Yancey

Praying With the KGB: A Startling Report from a Shattered Empire In 1991 Philip Yancey – author of several books and editor of the “Christianity Today” magazine – together with 18 other American Christian broadcasters and communicators was invited by...

We all need to retreat | Carmelita Clarke

I’m going to the retreat in Romania next week.  I want to be honest with you.  I was going because I’m the regional leader and I wanted to show I support it, I think taking time out with the Lord like this is important so I wanted to make sure I...

Foundational Coaching Skills Training 2014/2015

Increase your effectiveness as a leader Coaching is an ongoing, relational partnership built around a client-driven conversational process that empowers people to achieve growth and change in areas important to them. Instead of giving advice, a coach applies a...

Good Advice | Saying goodbye…

Saying goodbye is something that is inevitable in this life, but somehow I seem to be saying a lot of it lately. Having lived in Bosnia for over 12 years, I have said a fair share of goodbyes to other “ex-pat” workers who have left along the way… I...