Increase your effectiveness as a leader 

Coaching is an ongoing, relational partnership built around a client-driven conversational process that empowers people to achieve growth and change in areas important to them. Instead of giving advice, a coach applies a set of relational influence skills to draw solutions out of the coachee themselves and their own relationship with God. This client and context-oriented approach makes coaching a great tool for staff and leadership development and relevant in cross-cultural contexts. By its very nature, the coaching approach assumes a level of initiative and responsibility that invites emerging leaders to step up and take greater ownership for the success of team and ministry.

Our training provides foundational and advanced coaching competencies which you can use to:

  • Develop a coaching value-set that fits your belief system and cross-cultural context
  • Create authentic relational environments that catalyze transformation
  • Assist leaders and staff in clarifying their goals and forming effective action plans
  • Broaden someone’s perspective through intuitive listening and asking of powerful questions
  • Gain commitment, maintain motivation, and build support structures for lasting change
  • Learn how to provide feedback, affirmation, accountability, perspective shifts, and support in ways that helps others succeed

Program Overview: 1 Year on the Job Coach Training in 3 Phases
This 1 year training equips in the FOundational COaching Skills (“FOCOS”). We offer it in partnership with CMI (, to ensure the quality of the individual coaching process and the overall training experience. The lead trainer is Wolfgang Jani, who serves on YWAM Central Europe’s regional leadership team and is a professional coach and coach trainer.

Phase 1: We will kick off the program with a joint tele-class on August 20th 2014
2 additional training teleclasses will November 5, 2014 & January 7, 2015.
Phase 2: January 19 – 23 2015 on-site workshop in Malaga, Spain.
Phase 3: following the workshop in 2015

More information? Click here for all the details.