It is always sad to say „Goodbye“ to somebody we deeply respect and love. When we came together for Carmelita’s farewell celebration at the beginning of January I felt sad, but also it felt like a wonderful privilege to spend this special time with Carmelita and to reflect on and celebrate her many years that she has been serving in our region.

It was a great joy to have Stephe and Rite Mayers and Jeff and Romkje Fountain with us. They and others shared some words and thoughts about Carmelita and her time here in Central Europe. What a great wealth and what a wonderful inspiration!

Carmelita, you leave a legacy of believing in people, giving yourself fully, trusting in God and finding wisdom in Him and being so faithful and diligent. THANK YOU so much! You are a most inspiring person and we will miss you!!

Heidi for the CE Office Team

PS: Thanks! to all of you who sent pictures, memories and stories for Carmelita’s book – all the contributions together made up a rich and colorful gift for her.