by bronwyn | May 14, 2020 | Central Europe, Central European Gathering, YWAM
The pioneering and leadership course was targeted toward those who are pioneering new ministries or bases at their location, or for a leader in any sort of role, whether leading a base, leading a ministry, or leading a team. I had the pleasure of attending this course...
by bronwyn | Apr 29, 2020 | Central Europe, Central European Gathering
Last week we had our first ever YWAM Central Europe online gathering, and I think it turned out to be a big success! In the midst of a time that has been discouraging and isolating for many, it was nice to see so many familiar smiling faces on screen. We had about 200...
by cewebadmin | May 30, 2018 | Central European Gathering, YWAM Romania, YWAM Slovenia
The 2018 Central European Leadership gathering was held near Cluj, Romania in May. The core circle of Florin, Arlen, Alket and I had the privilege of leading this wonderful gathering of 80 people who came together to learn about “The Keys”.When we were...
by cewebadmin | Apr 19, 2017 | Central European Gathering, YWAM, YWAM Albania
Last year the YWAM Europe leadership started talking and dreaming about a having a huge YWAM Europe gathering along the theme of “Family without borders”. The last big meeting was in Herrnhut in 2007, so it was time. From the beginning the place seemed to...
by cewebadmin | Jul 10, 2016 | Central European Gathering, ywam constanta, YWAM Croatia, YWAM Romania
During the Central European Gathering YWAM Croatia made the announcement that they had signed papers to buy the above boat that they would be able to use for discipleship and training. After 10 years of having a vision for boat ministry, Jarod and Bexi’s...
by cewebadmin | Jul 6, 2016 | Boat, Central Europe, Central European Gathering, King's Kids, YWAM Croatia
KIDS 🙂 Life without them would be really boring. They’re always running, saying funny things, jumping, speaking straight forward what they see, expressing themselves in a totally different way than we adults do … Yet when we adults are trying to focus on...