by YWAM Central Europe | Dec 22, 2022 | Central Europe, Central European Gathering, YWAM Czech
As we take time with friends and family may the Lord bless you and give you great times together. Our kids who are at University will be with us at home for the holidays. We are really looking forward to it. Looking forward with anticipation and...
by YWAM Central Europe | Nov 9, 2022 | Central Europe, Central European Gathering
In October, our Central European Area Circle Team (ACT) met in Krakow, Poland. We hadn’t met in person since 2019 (we are zoom experts though!) and had added a few new people since then, so it really was great for us to get together again. Here we are in...
by YWAM Central Europe | Aug 3, 2022 | Central Europe, Central European Gathering, YWAM
About a month ago we had the great honor of being part of a historical day, a historical moment. A big gathering happened in the Telenor Arena in Oslo, Norway, where about 10.000 people came together. People of different generations, from all over the globe gathered...
by YWAM Central Europe | Mar 2, 2022 | YWAM Slovenia, Central Europe, Central European Gathering, UofN
In the middle of November we were privileged to host the LTS Europe (Leadership Training School). The school has been designed to have several modules where we meet together approximately every 3 months. As YWAM is in the early pioneering stage, for us it has been a...
by YWAM Central Europe | Jun 18, 2021 | 7 Spheres, Central Europe, Central European Gathering, YWAM
Thanks to everyone who helped, breathed, and prayed Life into the Spheres of Society during the Prayer Morning on June 4th. It was great to see people from so many different nations and bases! Hooray for the DTS teams that showed up from Budapest, Heidebeek, and...
by YWAM Central Europe | Jun 14, 2021 | Central Europe, Central European Gathering, YWAM
YWAM Central Europe is one of the 6 Areas of Europe. We are made up of 16 countries (2 of which currently have no YWAM presence – Moldova and Montenegro), just over 30 locations, and about 200 staff. I wanted to take this opportunity to share some of what has been...