Thanks to everyone who helped, breathed, and prayed Life into the Spheres of Society during the Prayer Morning on June 4th. It was great to see people from so many different nations and bases! Hooray for the DTS teams that showed up from Budapest, Heidebeek, and Durres! A shout out also to all who wrote blogs this spring to help us gain insight and celebrate the various ways people are influencing their Spheres! It was great to hear from so many of you!
June 4th was a full morning with worship (big thanks to the worship team in Cluj, Romania!) and a chat room time featuring ice breaker questions such as: “What was your most unusual Outreach food?” We heard lots of lovely (code for unique) answers on that one! Rats, dog, whale blubber, boiled fish heads, pig snout and pig ear in tamalies, pig brains, goat head soup with brains, horse intestines, snake, worms, boiled lamb guts, locusts deep fried, muskrats, fried chicken blood and cows teeth!
Andreja held an informative interview featuring Loren Cunningham who spoke on the Spheres of Society. During the prayer morning we saw the highlights of the interview. Thanks to Jon for being a master tech guy during the interview and editing the footage for us to watch later. Check out the interview on YouTube!
A couple of highlighted points from the interview were:
God gave Loren the 7 Classroom in which you can teach the nations. The word of the Lord was Matthew 28:19.
When approaching the 7 Spheres use all the different ways of seeing a nation transformed. In order to disciple nations with the 7 Spheres you have to have beliefs that are strong so the Word of God is the answer.
When asked, “What do we need to let go of in regards to stepping into Kingdom culture of the Spheres?” Loren answered, “Where we can get stuck is by making routines that are not alive by the Spirit. It is important to get teachers who have done what they are teaching.”
The Moderators who helped lead the breakout prayer times were engaging and had interest or experience in their particular spheres. The feedback we received from participants was positive. People enjoyed getting to know others who share the same passion for specific Spheres and praying into them. Attendees prayed for the Spheres of government, arts and entertainment, media, economics, family, church, and education. We had short videos from Ad de Bruin for government, Professor Jiri Preis for education and David Cunningham for media.
It was a rich time of prayer. Some of the comments we received were:
-”I loved getting to pray together and learn more about media and the impact it has on society.”
-”I liked to hear the heart of different nations while praying together.”
– “I had a new awareness of being involved in what the laws are that are discussed in our government. “
– “It was a wonderful time for me to join our region and pray through the spheres. It was encouraging to hear hearts cry out for the sphere of education!”
Some of the prayers in the Prayer Morning were:
– 1 Tim 2: 1-2 and Psalm 2 for government.
-Bring Biblical principles in each school subject. That teachers who love Jesus would share their faith, so that students would get to know God’s character and nature. Raise up positive influencers.
-Life with you Lord and confidence that You’re with us. Smooth transition from life on screen to life in person. Those that are graduating would not feel robbed out of being able to celebrate and would have confidence in taking next steps.
-Training for the nations. Lord, breathe life and joy into students and teachers. Enlighten their minds of your father and mother heart. Joy that heals and restores. The government ministers of education would have the fear of the Lord and seek wisdom.
-As Nehemiah walked around the walls of Jerusalem, Lord, would you raise up people with understanding to see what’s been lost during COVID. Give understanding how to rebuild and how to pray.
In closing, here is a summary of Loren’s Prayer for Central Europe in regards to the Spheres:
- “I pray there will be a fresh new breath of the Holy Spirit over these nations and over YWAM. Lord, may they be counted worthy, in humility and in a powerful anointing…”
- “We pray, God that you give them a new breath of vision that will give new life and new branches, new roots that will be there…”
- “I Pray to see a great move of God across those nations and may they always have understanding that Jesus has all authority on earth as well as in heaven…”
Our prayer is that this time of reflecting on the Spheres of Society has drawn your heart closer to Jesus and to one another. May you have faith, hope, and love to breathe LIFE into the spheres right where you are and in your prayer times!
We need your creativity and heart of prayer!
If you would like to help with the next Prayer Morning in October, 2021, please get in touch at
Robin Harsh, Prague, Czech Republic
update on behalf of the Prayer Morning team