Move OUT | Poland

Move OUT | Poland

Three hundred young people were coming to Warsaw from Germany, United States, Poland, Ukraine and Egypt to take part in our Mission Event “MOVE OUT”, where we would have one week of GO Camp and then send 20 teams to different places throughout Warsaw....

YWAM Together | Thailand 2018

What can I say about YWAM Together 2018? I was part of the organising team after being invited by Rebecca Gibbons (who used to be in the Czech Republic and we worked together as the CE communications team until she moved to Thailand in 2012). It was a privilege to be...

Summer night life outreach

Thousands and thousands of young people in Europe pass through holiday resorts every summer, looking to enjoy the sun, the beach and the party scenes of our coastal towns and cities. Away from home and from their daily responsibilities, their normal limits are thrown...

InTouch Camp Romania

During the past six summers, inTouch has been coming to Prod in Romania. Part of YWAM Associates International, inTouch camps are geared towards encouraging former and current YWAMers but also giving friends of YWAM (supporters, sending churches, family members of...

A Bible for Every Tourist

This is the third year that during July 15 – August 15th we ran the evangelistic project “Reaching the Balkans, A Bible for every tourist”.  Over one month, we hosted more than 130 wonderful people from 10 teams. We gave out 6500 Bibles (new...