by cewebadmin | Oct 18, 2015 | YWAM CE resource
As we all go about God’s work, we should not worry about our future, right? Isn’t it true that as we seek God’s kingdom first, God will take care of all our needs and protect us from all evil?There is a fine line between trusting God for our future and well-being and...
by cewebadmin | Sep 2, 2015 | YWAM CE resource, YWAM Romania
Communication is a fundamental dimension of existence and human development from ancient times by transmitting information and feelings (opinions, ideas, attitudes) from one individual to another or from one social group to another.We communicate in order to inform,...
by cewebadmin | Aug 31, 2015 | YWAM, YWAM CE resource, YWAM Romania
We throw around words in the Christian community; such as, calling, destiny, identity, gifting’s, but do we personally understand that these words are really ideas that we as Christians should live out in our everyday life? These are not just abstract ideas we hear...
by cewebadmin | Aug 29, 2015 | YWAM, YWAM Albania, YWAM CE resource
Training Young leaders, equipping and helping them to discover their potential and gifts as well as building a Godly character in them is my heart’s passion. I became a church pastor at the age of 21 and knowing all the trials I have gone through helps me to...