As we all go about God’s work, we should not worry about our future, right? Isn’t it true that as we seek God’s kingdom first, God will take care of all our needs and protect us from all evil?

There is a fine line between trusting God for our future and well-being and being presumptuous about God’s protection and care for us. Maybe this is why we do not consider possible crisis situations and how to prepare for those all that much in YWAM. However, in this real world accidents, crimes like rape, car-jacking or kidnappings, political unrest and natural disasters do happen. So if we take a realistic view on things, we should expect that some such crisis situation might cross our paths at some point in our lives and ministry. The better we are prepared to handle such a situation the quicker and more effectively we can deal with such an incident. This is even more important when we travel and work in countries which have a high rate of such incidents or are undergoing some form of crisis.

Of course, the different scenarios mentioned above take some different approaches and ways for ourselves to get prepared. However, as a first step I want to mention maybe the most basic way to be prepared. This is a personal data sheet which should include the following:

1.       Photo

2.       Personal data: Name, Date of Birth, Place of birth, Address, Telephone numbers, email-address, social network accounts, languages

3.       Copy of your passport, personal identification & driving license

4.       Personal description: size, eye and hair color, eye glasses, hearing aids,

5.       Health issues & current prescriptions

6.       IMSI/ IMEI number of your mobile phone

7.       Bank account number, bank and credit card numbers

8.       Contact persons: family members, close relatives & friends, colleagues

9.       Social security number/ID number

10.   Insurance policies & numbers

11.   Questions only you will be able to answer

12.   Audio recording (about 1 min in length)

13.   DNA-probe in a clean envelope (e.g. hair together with its root)

14.   Contact number of your embassy

15.   If applicable, vehicle registration documents with identification number and number plate

You should have this data sheet in a safe place back home together with the originals and/or copies of all important papers (especially, your personal identification, passport, driving license, birth certificate, marriage certificate, will, power of attorney, insurance papers). Keep copies of all important documents with a trusted contact person.

For our staff and students especially as they go on outreaches, we must be sure that there is access to such personal data.  It is certainly a consideration to have these data sheets in our files. However, as they contain sensitive information we need to make sure that they are stored safely and with clearly restricted access.

– Reinhard Hämmerle