by cewebadmin | Sep 13, 2013 | Central Europe, Central European Gathering, DTS, YWAM
The first ever Central European DTS Leaders Gathering! The Central European DTS Resource Team is excited to invite DTS Leaders to the first ever Central European Leaders Gathering. If you are serving with YWAM in Central Europe and are passionate about DTS...
by cewebadmin | Aug 23, 2013 | Central Europe, DTS
The Central European DTS Coordinators, Chris and Mirjam Klop, are excited to announce the formation of the first ever Central European DTS Resource Team. The DTS resource team is “a group of experienced disciplers who carry the heart and values of DTS, imparting and...
by cewebadmin | Apr 17, 2013 | DTS
An old monastery is breathing in new life. Spiderwebs were removed, a classroom set up. With the donations of lots of furniture and equipment from the „Lighthouse“ in Germany, we turned the „Riverhouse“ into a temporary, cozy home. Cheb – the once infamous city...
by cewebadmin | Nov 5, 2012 | DTS, YWAM
The small team in Cheb, led by Doris Rabus, is getting ready to re-pioneer the Discipleship Training School in the Czech Republic in February 2013. Doris reports “After two years of ‘laying foundations’ in Cheb, our team is growing. Luke &...