The small team in Cheb, led by Doris Rabus, is getting ready to re-pioneer the Discipleship Training School in the Czech Republic in February 2013. Doris reports “After two years of ‘laying foundations’ in Cheb, our team is growing. Luke & Madgdalena with their 3-month-old daughter ‘Lahja’ will move to Cheb next week. Besides that we will have Dan, Joe (from the USA) and Juan (from Columbia) coming on staff for the first DTS. Please also pray for Rosane who is right now still in Brazil, because her dad got cancer.”

After looking at renting a former brothel to use for the DTS and as a future “Lighthouse centre”, they ran into some problems with the owner, so as Doris writes “For the DTS, starting in February 2013, we’ve found another building, which would work perfectly.  It’s located next to the graffiti wall,  where we’ve had a graffiti-& break-dance workshop in the summer. The former boarding school is centrally located and completely furnished. For this first school it seems to be a perfect solution and God’s provision.” They are still praying about using this building in the future alongside a local Church. Wouldn’t that be awesome? Ministering to those caught up in human trafficking  in a former brothel!

Please continue to pray for this team as they make all the preparations for the school: including team building, looking for apartments for new staff, working on inviting different international speakers, advertising, figuring out visas for international students, and lots of communication in every area. Pray also for their continued vision of working with victims of human trafficking in a real and practical way.

-written by Belinda Chaplin, YWAM CE Communication