by YWAM Central Europe | Oct 29, 2022 | BAM, Central Europe, YWAM Bulgaria
My husband and I grew up in communist Bulgaria. I remember the first years after the fall of the wall – interesting times. God was moving in the country. The Mafia flourished too. Christians had to learn to live...
by YWAM Central Europe | Oct 12, 2022 | Central Europe
Have you ever traveled to a new nation and been amazed by all the new things the nation has? …new food, new culture and, in many cases, also new cars. When I landed in Texas some years ago, I rented a car that I had never heard about, and that we don’t have in Europe…...
by YWAM Central Europe | Sep 16, 2022 | Central Europe
We must pause to jog our memories about the legacy of Mikhail Gorbachev with his passing this year and his recent burial ceremony in Moscow. For his was an essential role in the events that led to the fall of communism and the Soviet Union a generation ago – and...
by YWAM Central Europe | Aug 3, 2022 | Central Europe, Central European Gathering, YWAM
About a month ago we had the great honor of being part of a historical day, a historical moment. A big gathering happened in the Telenor Arena in Oslo, Norway, where about 10.000 people came together. People of different generations, from all over the globe gathered...
by YWAM Central Europe | Jul 28, 2022 | Boat, Central Europe
“The earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof, the earth and all that fills it. For He FOUNDED IT UPON THE SEAS, and ESTABLISHED IT UPON THE RIVERS.” – Psalm 24:1-2 In April 2022 (by faith and with money the Lord provided) we bought a 29ft sailboat in Croatia...
by YWAM Central Europe | Jul 25, 2022 | Central Europe, YWAM CE resource
This formation of our Youth with a Mission Central Europe Core Circle met in person for the first time since we came together over a year ago. It was so much fun to spend time together in person! We decided on Budapest as our place to meet as it is kind of central. It...