by bronwyn | Jun 17, 2020 | YWAM Serbia
My name is Mirjam Klop, and I am from the Netherlands. I am married with a Dutchman and havetwo daughters who are 5 and 8 years old. We have served with YWAM for many years now. For a long time, I have loved to paint and feel it is a way to worship God. I come alive...
by bronwyn | Jun 4, 2020 | YWAM CE Video, YWAM Poland
Join us as we get to know some of our amazing leaders from over YWAM Central Europe! Today we get to know Greg Gynek Skrobarczyk and his beautiful journey with YWAM Central Europe and King’s Kids International Polska.
by bronwyn | Jun 3, 2020 | YWAM Budapest
In Budapest, our Coffee House team has been working hard to adapt to the Coronavirus situation. As you can imagine, because of the needed social distancing and stay-at-home orders, many cafés in Budapest had to close their doors. We, too, are affected and have had...
by bronwyn | May 25, 2020 | YWAM Serbia
At YWAM Užice, Serbia, we have experienced many of the same emotions you will have experienced during these uncertain times of lockdown and isolation. From boredom to frustration and being encouraged at seeing how the Lord still works, often in spite of us. We had...