YWAM will be called Νεοι με Αποστολι (NEMA) in Greece. We signed the papers that start the process on the 9th of March. It will be the first time YWAM has ever been registered in Greece. We feel that it is important for us to register legally, to put a «stake in the ground», to show that we are not moving away from Greece. This time we trust God for that YWAM/NEMA will be established in Greece after several attempts in the past.
It will also potentially solve a lot of the problems we are facing for our Non-European long-term staff. We will hopefully have the registration done by the beginning of May 2018. Please stand together with us in prayer and pray for us that this process will be completed, and we will get the legal registration done.
(picture of Thessaloniki and Athens signing papers) From the left:

Kelli Brodhag, Elise Sandas, Timos Christoforidis, John-Henry Nosen, Sofia and baby Elli Jane Laing, Aaron Hoover