Craiova, Romania’s 6th largest city and capital of Dolj County, is a beautiful city inSW   Romania with about 300 000 people, but in a very big need for  the Gospel.                        Total of evangelical christians in our town is less than 1%. The majority are Orthodox.     The need of workers is really big and we believe God is raising up His people in this part of Romania, so that it will not be considered anymore one of the poorest partsof             Romania economically and spiritually.
It is also a strategic place for the Balkans, and we believe God will use us to bring His     Kingdom all around this region.

YWAM Craiova is a young ministry in a pioneering situation, but with a great team full of enthusiasm, living a  dream with God, who is making a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert  (Isaiah43:19).
Our vision is to help our generation to know the Lord and to fulfill God’s calling for His   glory, and to bring  transformation to society, and all nations!

Depending on God, we are committed for Prayer, Evangelism, Discipleship of youthEquip workers and leaders, Mobilize for mission, Mercy ministries and Church Planting and Coaching.
We started in2015: a family with 2 small kids and a girl, all romanians.    Now, after almost 3 years, we are a team of  10 long-term staff from      Romania, Brasil and Republic of  MoldovaAs a team we function in English and Romanian.
Our ministry involves running a DTS each year and other seminars: 
– Church Planting Course 
– World View Seminar
– Relationships seminars
– Mission Conference
– Kairos Course

Craiova, Romania