This year in YWAM Cluj, Romania, we have seen how God is fulfilling many of our dreams of starting new things to bring the glory to God here in our city.

“Tent of David” Prayer House

After two years of praying and standing firm, God has opened the doors for us to move the Tent of David to rental place in downtown Cluj. We opened the House of Prayer on November 1, 2012.

We are very excited to see what God has for this city and the people he will bring to encounter His presence. In the Tent of David we are praying for all churches to unite and stand together with Jesus for our city and nation. It has been an exciting year as God is transforming it all from the inside out.

“House of Joy”

Our first expectant mother in the House of Joy is a 22 year old woman from Cluj who moved in when she was 7 months pregnant. She is due on November 22 and expecting a baby boy (Ruben).

We were very excited to organize the baby shower in the new home. The mother never had a party for her and this was a very special moment for her and for us in the same time. We are all ready for this baby to come and join us and he is the beginning of us helping many mothers and babies through this wonderful project.

Baseball ministry

A new ministry has been birthed from our baseball camps. Now we have approximately 50 boys and girls meet to receive training in baseball. The vision of this ministry is to bring the kids and their parents to know God and his love. This happens every time when they meet through prayer and godly relationships.

On October 13 the teams, parents and coaches travel to Targu Mureş (2 hours away from Cluj) and played for the first time against teams there. Was a very exciting experience for all involved. Several parents and children start going to church and are interested in knowing more about God.

We are so excited to see how God has been faithful in helping us to begin these new ministries out of our existing ones, and look forward to what He is going to do through them in the city of Cluj and beyond.

– Alin and Gabi Ciorogar, YWAM Cluj, Romania (with Belinda Chaplin)