Every other year, we have a staff gathering for the YWAM staff in the Central European area, which is made up of 16 countries: Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, and Slovakia. There are about 240 staff working in 14 of these countries and we always have a lot of fun coming together to be encouraged, network, exchange experiences and have a good time as a YWAM family.

For the third time we were in Vajta, Hungary at the Calvary Chapel Conference Centre and it is such a wonderful place:

We were privileged to have YWAM’s founders, Loren and Darlene Cunningham as our keynote speakers. Even at 80 and 77, they are going strong! We really enjoyed hearing some of their experiences leading YWAM for 56 years and they really had something for everyone from Loren’s visionary ideas to Darlene’s practical “how to stay healthy” message.

We also had some fun things happen at the conference: like hearing about many new initiatives: including  one where dreams that have been in place for over 10 years are coming true for our friends in Croatia – they bought a boat to use for ministry there!

It was an all ages conference with almost 60 children attending. Here we have the children even praying for the different nations represented. We had great teams doing children’s programs and all of the children had a wonderful time!

After such a great gathering, it was really hard to say goodbye to so many quality people from all over our region – so it isn’t goodbye, but until we meet again 🙂