When spring finally arrives after a long winter in Hungary it just seems like everyone is suddenly in a better mood.   Café chairs come out to the sidewalk, winter coats and scarves are exchanged for sunglasses and t-shirts.  People are happy to be outside in the sunshine.  You may even catch a glimpse of a smile on some faces.  Though the winter can be long and cold it makes spring all the more welcome. 

It’s the same for us in ministry.  The years and months of faithfully working and building up the coffee house make the completion all the more sweet.  We are in a new season.  There’s a sense of change and anticipation for growth in the air.  Now we get to see what God will do with this amazing tool that He has provided.  It’s bigger than us for sure.  Even our dreams of faith can’t comprehend what the Lord has in store, how much he cares for the young people of Budapest, and how He intends to reach them with His love and forgiveness.

How exciting to be a part of this!  Of course with new victories and new opportunities come new challenges and questions:  How will we carry out the vision?  Who are the laborers and where will they come from?  God knows.  It’s really been His vision from the beginning anyway.  In a similar way we are thrilled to have a DTS planned for this September after a season of drought.  It’s exciting just to be praying for the students and all the God will do in them, and in the life of the base.  He has called us to be a training base.  It feels good to take our winter coat off and feel the warmth of the sunshine – to feel like we’re once again on track in the areas the Lord has called us to.  Although the cold winter days are tough to endure sometimes, they don’t last forever, making way eventually for a new season of growth, giving way to warmth and joyful new beginnings.

-Steve Johnson
YWAM Budapest base leader

read more on the opening of the YWAM Budapest Ministry Centre here