In the early morning hours of October 24th some of our YWAM CE teams sat in a car and traveled towards the borders of our region.  We had set apart this day as a Regional Unified Prayer Day where we corporately wanted to pray that God would lift off the blanket of spiritual darkness and hopelessness from our nations.
In May this year when we had a gathering in Iasi, Romania, during one of our prayer times, we received the following picture from God: On a map all the nations of our region are displayed. They are covered with a thick blanket and the light is blocked out – it is rather dark underneath. And then the blanket slowly starts to be removed from our region. It starts at the corners and edges and more and more light is pouring in!
I think that all of us at times, in one way or another, feel the darkness in our region. But this is not what God wants for our nations – He is a God of light and hope, of future and restoration! 
So, on October 24th, we traveled to the corners and edges of our region to pray. As YWAM Budapest we went to the little bridge of Andau at the Austrian border. And as we were driving towards the west, other teams were on their way towards the northern, eastern and southern borders of our region. We had teams praying at the North Sea, at the Black Sea and at the Mediterranean! Other teams stayed at their YWAM bases all over our region and prayed there. Here is a map of where most of the teams were situated: red were the travelling teams, yellow the teams already at the borders and green most of the other places where people prayed
It was a great joy to read the feedback from all these different teams! I think that many of us felt that there is something truly powerful in seeking God together as a region. There is a beautiful abundance and wealth in what God spoke to us corporately! The different teams gave plenty of the insights, prayers, impressions, verses and pictures that God shared with them. And they together form a powerful statement: God is at work! He is not yet finished with His good and powerful work of restoration in our region. In the midst of our (sometimes challenging) day-to-day work and ministry God is bringing forth His good plans of future and hope.
Next year will be the 25th anniversary of the collapse of communism in our region. Enormous changes have taken place in our nations during these years. But there is more to come! God is faithful and powerful and invites us to co-work and build with Him together. I believe that this day of prayer was one good step on this way and I believe that the Regional Prayer Day will become a good tradition for us here in YWAM CE!
-Heidi Kovacs
YWAM Budapest