Hello YWAM Family! 

These past couple of weeks here in Slovenia have been an absolute blessing and testament to God’s infinite love and grace!

A team from YWAM Grimerud, Norway, as well as a staff from the Cologne, Germany base, stayed with us for two weeks while helping to support the pioneering project team and to spread the love of Jesus around the city. We did this through prayer and intercession, open air worship, and building relationships with the local Slovene people. It was an encouraging time to see God’s sovereign hand move in transforming this nation one simple act of obedience at a time! 


The following week we had the privilege of hosting a DTS team from Heidebeek, in the Netherlands, during their teaching week on evangelism. Throughout the week we went around Ljubljana openly praying for people highlighted by God, worshipped in the city center, and interceded whilst listening to God’s heart for this nation. 

A special dinner in Slovenia

One testimony to share from this experience comes from a worship outing. A few of the project teammates, along with the Heidebeek team, met this guy named Paul, who has been riding his bike all throughout Europe on a journey of self reflection and discovery. One of the project team houses invited him over for dinner that evening to share life stories and about who God is. They encouraged him to seek out more of who God is, His character, and the truth of who he is as a son of God through reading the Bible. Paul was very open to listen and share his thoughts and opinions as well. A clear person of peace already prepared by God for the cultivation of the gospel within him. He then stayed a few nights with that team in their house and began an enlightening journey of reading the Bible, praying with this team, and remains connected via a whatsapp group chat, specifically for Bible reading, questions, and insights. This is such a huge answer to prayer for both him and this team! He is still in contact and currently reading through the Bible on his own while he continues his journey north. Praise God for this miraculous breakthrough and blessed opportunity to share the gospel of truth with this wayward son who is desiring to know who he is and why he was created! 

(Paul is pictured on the left) 

We know the harvest is ripe and ready for harvesting here in Slovenia! We would also like you to be a part of it through your prayers and intercession as we believe “Now is the time for Slovenia!” All across this land, from the “mountains to the sea”, God will breathe His breath of life over all of this beautiful creation. It is a beautiful sight as the family of God comes together from all over to bless and spread the gospel of truth to others! We are the catalyst that ignites the heart so that those who catch the fire will faithfully endure and build upon the foundation in which others have built, and continue to build upon. Let us be disciples who make disciples so that God can multiply the church instead of simply adding to it 🙏🏼 

Chris McGinnis

Chris is currently staff with YWAM in Slovenia in a Project that is called “90 day long Holly Spirit Journey”. Chris did this DTS in Colougne in Germany. Part of his outreach was in Slovenia, where he gained God’s heart of this nation and country. He stayed in touch since then while he was in Colougne and also later when he staffed with YWAM Berlin where he also raised up banner for pioneering effort in Slovenia.