
7 days.  380 volunteers from 40 nations. 
410 villages in northern Greece.
60 vehicles.  50,000 kilometers.   
124,826 New Testaments

While numbers aren’t the true measure of any outreach, this was a massive operation.  Hellenic Ministries is over halfway to meeting its goal of placing a Bible in 1 million Greek homes, and this summer’s effort was the biggest yet.  Check out more Operation Joshua information here.

Jason and Samantha were among 50 YWAM missionaries participating in Operation Joshua this summer in northern Greece- the home of ancient Neapolis and Philippi from Acts 16.  Why the effort?  Why the expense?  Why deal with the heat and mosquitoes of the campsite?  Why persevere in Bible distribution in the midst of opposition from many orthodox priests and police?  (Over 100 participants were brought in for questioning by local authorities!  No one was doing anything illegal, so it just turned into a delay and opportunity to share testimonies with the police!  Does this sound familiar?  Read Acts 16.)

The Bible in the hands of the people (in their heart language) is the seed of liberty.”  We believe that returning to God and Biblical principles is the only hope for Greece in the midst of the economic and political crisis, and that every family should have a Bible in modern Greek that they can read for themselves!  A Greek pastor recently visited Kansas City (of all places!) and came to visit us at our home.  He shared that, “the current crisis in the nation has turned into an incredible blessing from God because Greeks must consider returning to God as the only solution.”

There is a growing hunger for God especially among the young people of Greece and it is certainly a time to continue to train, equip, and send workers into the fields for the harvest.  Thanks for continuing to pray, encourage, and sacrificially give so that our family can do our part to see evangelism, prayer, mercy ministries, and discipleship continue to expand and be established all throughout Greece in this time.

While the outreach was very significant, equally important and strategic are the relationships that we continue to cultivate with pastors and ministry leaders in Greece.  Only God can bring things together like this!  Our pioneer project is one of many very significant pieces that God is bringing together in this season.

Our family and pioneer team are praying through a few options for how to move forward with ministry in Greece whether the door opens up soon for long-term visas or not.  More on that soon, as God is bringing forth some very exciting new connections and possibilities.

– Jason, Tiffany, Samantha, Aubrey, and Annie Hinton

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