On the 4th of November we finished the 3rd DTS here in Moldova! Looking back this was an amazing journey with God and with the Moldavian young people. First of all I celebrated deep in my heart the way how God was faithful to us again. We’ve seen Him providing teachers, places to rent, places to go on outreach, people to serve, money, food, safety and enough words to talk to people.

Then I stopped for few minutes to think for what else I am celebrating with our team? And actually this was powerful: It’s a pattern around to start things and do not finish them because it’s hard, because people don’t understand each other and have conflicts or because there are much challenges on the way. So we celebrated a DTS that was finished and it was finished WELL! Did we have challenges? Oh, yeah! But they were meant to grow us as this was what we asked God to do in our lives during those 5 months.

That evening after Graduation when I came home I put my head on the pillow being so THANKFUL to my Jesus for His ministry in my life and in the lives of everybody who was involved in this DTS.

And the biggest joy of my heart, after the DTS, is Viorica (above) – she is our new staff! She was student on the DTS and then she decided to work with us. She is an open minded young girl who has a lot of dreams for young people and a deep hunger for God. So I am so privileged to walk with Vio on this path of discipleship and to open a door for her so she can serve God according to His plan for her life!

For all of you who prayed for us, encouraged and supported us financially we want to say “THANK YOU!!!!

In a few months the 4th DTS in Moldova is ready to start! If you want a DTS with a pioneering experience, please contact us on: www.tpmcahul.md or ywam(a)tpmcahul.md or dts.moldova(a)gmail.com
– Virginia, co-leader of the DTS
YWAM Moldova