The vision that God has given us is to facilitate the development of education among Roma children through evangelism and literacy so that they become powerful resources through which God can bring transformation and redemption to the younger generation.

In October 2018, we started the literacy project through weekly evangelistic and educational activities: songs, Bible lessons, and educational games. We didn’t have a specific place for our meetings, but God opened the door for us in the house of a believer in the community. In the beginning, we started with 15 children for the literacy program, who came consistently to the previous meetings with which we started learning letters, numbers, and various educational activities.

Due to the need for a bigger space, we started building a living container for meetings. Along the way we made various camps for children, we carried out cleaning activities in the community and meetings with the parents. Last year, we managed to enroll 15 children in the educational system, and this year several parents wanted to enroll their children in school.

Two weeks ago, with much joy and thankfulness in our hearts, we celebrated the much awaited moment: ‘The inauguration of the Center for Literacy and Evangelism” in the Roma community in Craiova. 

With the help of God and those who have given, we finalized the construction of the container which will now offer the children the necessary conditions to learn.



We rejoiced to see the enthusiasm on the parents’ faces who have long desired educational help. Along with the fact that they’ll learn to read and write, we want them to learn about love, justice, goodness, giving, and hope! We are now consistently working with 25 children,10 of which are little, and we are preparing them for the school. 

Here, we are also planning to invest in the families and parents of the children we minister to through regular meetings where they can learn basic things about parenting, cleanliness, and biblical values. 

Thank you to everyone who has come alongside us to see this dream fulfilled:

“The transformation of the lives of these children.”

Thank you for partnering with us! Many blessings!


Anca TeodorescuYWAM Craiova Project Leader

Anca is Romanian, from Targoviste. She completed her DTS in Craiova in 2018 and during this time God placed in her heart love for Roma kids. She wants to see the whole community changed. She is a sweet but determined young lady, and a pioneer. She believes education can change a community. We are blessed to have Anca working in YWAM Craiova.