The pandemic created many questions and unknown factors during the last two years of our ministry. We cancelled some of the summer camps or decided to move on with other projects. But overall, we’ve tried to obey God; if He said “Go!” then off we went. And we asked ourselves, “What could be so hard about trying to score another goal?” But little do we understand when God is moving….

Football camp

This past summer the football camp was wonderful. We felt that all the kids (and staff) participating had a breakthrough in believing God’s promises and provision. Despite all the unknown things, we do have a God who knows everything and who is Sovereign. 

For several days last July, we were in Prod, near Mediaş. We’ve had more than fifty children between the ages of six and thirteen. Many others had wanted to come, so we are thinking of extending the football camps all over Romania. Our desire for the July camp was to be an encouragement, a place for great life decisions, a time for friends and for deepening our relationship with Jesus. We had various Bible lessons related to football (team – Jesus and the disciples; we want to be part of Jesus’ team; forgiveness, coach – Jesus; change of shirts – old life vs. new life) and then we practiced on the football field what we heard. There were many kids from non-Christian backgrounds who heard the Message of Christ for the first time.

The children came from different areas of Romania, many of them from needy families. At the end of the camp, we were able to give each child a ball, a T-shirt, a cup, a medal and a diploma. They felt like they were worldwide famous football stars. But they are so much more than this.

We believe that the children understood how loved they are and how great is the potential God has placed inside their hearts. And this is the seed we planted in each of them, believing God will ‘make it rain’, and in due time, they ‘will bear fruits’. 

At the same time, we were able to create new relationships with non-Christian parents. They called us after the camp and were grateful for the impact the camp brought on their children, saying that the children were happy, encouraged and changed. 

And this is more than scoring goals, it’s winning the Championship!

If you want to know more about the Football Camp in Romania, contact me at

Danny Kühnert and the “King’s Kids” team from Medias.