This was the main theme of the annual national conference for United Youth for Christ that YWAM Durres organized in partnership with three local churches from October 29 – 31, 2020. The conference was attended by 190+ youth from 14 cities and 25 churches. The four main sessions were “Accept Your Inheritance,” “Into Deep Waters,” “Come, Know Me,” and “Discover Your Path.”  We also had 5 workshops and a talent presentation where the youth were given the opportunity to perform the talents that God has given them.   


We received the main theme, “Come, Know Me,” through prayer as we received a word from Exodus 3:1-14. The sense was that as God interrupted the daily routine of Moses and created circumstances to get his attention. He introduced Himself to Moses for the first time, not with the name in which he had heard from his forefather’s experiences, but with God’s name: “I am who I am.” We felt God inviting the youth to “get to kow one another,” and “Come, know Me!” The conference was a great success, not just from the number of participants, but mainly from what we saw God doing and hearing from the testimonies of the young people about what God spoke to them. We had great times of worship, prophecies, and healings taking place.

In the time when testimonies were being shared about what they were taking away from the conference, one girl shared: ”God told me that if you do not allow Me to come and help you and heal you, I will use other people to bring the healing because you are so important to Me that I cannot lose you.”  A guy said, “I asked God, ‘Where am I?’ God told me that He isn’t hiding from me and I am the one seeking Him, but I am also the one often hiding from Him and He is seeking after me. This gave me the assurance that God is always with me.”

Alma Sako

Alma,  together with her husband Alket Sako are leading the YWAM Durres team, in Albania. They have 3 wonderful children and also serve as national leaders of YWAM Albania.