YWAM Central Europe presents an original series entitled, Coffee with an Elder. You’re invited to join our hosts as they engage a specific CE Elder in an informative chat.

So grab your cup of coffee (or tea) … and get ready ready to be inspired!

We have several Legacy Elder who truly are legendary. Spend a few minutes with them, and hear their stories. Learn about their journey of serving the Lord, serving in YWAM, and now serving as Legacy Elders in our Central European region. Each Elder brings their unique experiences, offering their own flavorful blend to the region. As you familiarize yourself with the Elders story may you be encouraged on your own journey of serving, and use them as a resource along the way.

Coffee with an Elder – Mike Oman

Mike was born in England in 1947, and emigrated with his family to Zimbabwe in 1951.
Mike and Ros were married in December 1971, and have two children and five grandchildren.
They both had a dynamic encounter with the Lord in 1976, which transformed their nominal faith into a living relationship with Him, creating a desire to know Him more and serve Him fully.
In 1977, they birthed a youth ministry focused on discipleship and reconciliation with young people from all ethnic backgrounds and denominational persuasions at a time when their nation was experiencing great segregation, mistrust, and violence.
In 1979, having done their DTS in South Africa, Mike and Ros pioneered the first YWAM location in Zimbabwe in 1980, and a second one in 1984. From there, they released and gave oversight to small teams pioneering YWAM ministries in Moçambique, Zambia and Malawi.
Having served as Area Director for YWAM – South Central Africa, and on the Regional Leadership Team for Africa for a number of years, the Lord called them to Northern Ireland in 1991, and they established YWAM there in 1994, handing over the leadership in 2007.
Mike and Ros have spent the last 40 years in pioneering initiatives which have opened their hearts to experience ever-increasing depths of our awesome Father God’s love for us, and a growing understanding of His unwavering commitment to us.
His delight is to share our Father’s unconditional love and faithfulness in a way that releases this generation to confidently step out in radical obedience to His leading.
What Mike brings to the table is teaching on the Fatherheart of God, the challenges of pioneering, and to help with conflict resolution.