Central Europe DTS center

For those of you in YWAM, do you remember the first week of your DTS? What you felt and experienced as you spent your first days in a YWAM community; the excitement, adventure, and forming time that was? Or maybe for some it was uncomfortable and even though God...

YWAM Croatia | Sailing DTS

Spread the word! YWAM Croatia is running a sailing DTS next Spring!We are excited to be running our first DTS on the coast of Croatia and would love for your help to get the word out.  We have a great staff team ready to jump in, a house ready to fill with people...

DTS Foundational Workshop

Here is a short update from our DTS Foundational Workshop in Cluj, Romania.The DTS resource teams for Central and Western Europe came together to lead this event and it was particularly significant for us, as we have not had a DTS Foundational Workshop in Central...

Moldova DTS

On the 4th of November we finished the 3rd DTS here in Moldova! Looking back this was an amazing journey with God and with the Moldavian young people. First of all I celebrated deep in my heart the way how God was faithful to us again. We’ve seen Him providing...

Albania | DTS

God is waiting on you to say YES! Don’t put limits on God’s plan for your life! Can you imagine your life marked for destiny that changes nations? Five months can change the rest of your life! Dare to be a Disciple!   With the commitment to bless...