We have finalized our plans for the main building. With the help of our architects, Tomas and Ondrej, we transformed our concept of the building into a concrete proposal. The pictures below show what the building looks like now, and what we envisage it to look like once it is finished. The building is designed to accommodate 53 guests, host conferences and cater for 120 people. Part of the building will also house our long-term YWAM staff. We are also planning 4 family camps over the summer at the new location.
Please continue to pray with us for the finances to make this dream a reality.
If you aren’t familiar with Lucatin, you can go here for more of the story, check out the ywam.sk website or watch the below video:
And now, introducing some of the YWAM Slovakia staff:
The Kilbry Family: Steve, Jo, Ben, Sam & Emma
How long have you been you in Slovakia?
We arrived Jan 7, 1994, so we have just reached the milestone of 20 years in Slovakia.
When and why did you come to Slovakia as missionaries?
After we got married (1992) in England we lived in Steve’s home town in Michigan, USA for 18 months. We expected to return to working with YWAM in Switzerland, where we had met, but that didn’t work out. so we spent several weeks asking God where He wanted to send us. We knew some friends in Slovakia but had no particular desire to join them. One day Steve had this unexplainable excitement about Slovakia and felt a pull there. Being puzzled by this, he asked God to confirm this new idea by telling me. So Steve kept silent and continued to pray. Three days later, I remember we were having breakfast, I said, “I have this strange feeling that God wants us in Slovakia!” From that point, our preparations moved quickly and two months later we arrived in Bratislava with a two year commitment to work with a small organisation called The Logos Center, which became part of YWAM International a year later.
What is you “job” and what is Gods purpose for your family in Slovakia?
Jo – My main job is educating our three children at home, which I have been doing for the last 14 years. I have been part of the YWAM Family Camp leadership team since the beginning in 1998, doing anything from writing the children’s ministry program to teaching in the main sessions. I enjoy running dance workshops, ‘resting in God’s presence’ events, praying for and encouraging people in their true identity.
I believe God sent us here to help Slovaks understand just how amazingly good God is and how precious they are in His sight.
Steve – I believe my task is to connect with God’s heart and help others do the same. Practically speaking it can take many forms, like teaching, evangelism or being on the YWAM leadership team. I really love seeing God transform people and experiencing other cultures.
What do you want to do in future and what is your vision for Lucatin?
Jo – I have many desires, like, I want to learn more about healing prayer (physical as well as inner healing). I have had a dream for a long time of something like an expressive arts center, where people get the chance to translate their worship or some truth of God into various art forms. I think Slovaks are naturally very creative and I would love to see this gift unlocked.
I imagine Lucatin to be a place where God’s presence dwells, where peace, holiness, joy and power are available to those who come seeking to know God more. I see it as a beacon of hope and an oasis that offers rest, refreshment and direction.
Steve – I want to be part of forming a mission community where people encounter God and go out to change their towns, regions and the nations. I want to influence people to yield to Jesus, his kingdom and his ways, and to come into the fullness of what He has called them into.
Thank-you for your continued prayers for our new venture at Lucatin!
-YWAM Slovakia