“I know now what has been missing all along; love. It’s always been about love.”
– Summer Program Participant ’19
This summer myself and 8 others had the opportunity to participate in the Summer program with YWAM Lesvos, where we learned how to live and serve in love. Not cheap love, like you see in the movies or sometimes even hear thrown about in church, but real, sacrificial love that can only come through abiding in Jesus. A love that does not belong to us, but is given as a gift anyway.
A lot can be said about this program and how God used it to change, refine and perfect the hearts of each of the 9 people who went on this journey, mine included. We spent the weekends bonding with each other (mostly through water fights) and exploring the island. During the week we engaged in sweet moments of prayer and worship in the mornings and busy afternoons/evenings filled with ministry. We spent most of our ministry time at the Community Center serving refugees or in Mytilene building relationships with Greeks on the island.
During our time I was able to witness miracles of God as men and women who grew up in Isalm decided to renounce their faith and become followers of Jesus. I saw God be glorified through simple acts of obedience from my brothers and sisters as they engaged in conversations and prayed for the people that God brought to them. Above all I was challenged to live a life that recklessly abandons everything in order to put God above all things. All for the sake of love.
When I try to sum up this summer I am reminded of the story in the gospels where Jesus multiplies the 2 fish and 5 loaves to feed the 5,000. Nine people gave up a few weeks out of their summer and God multiplied that sacrifice in unbelievable ways. Whether it was freeing someone from something they have been struggling with, showing another new revelations of Jesus, using someone to proclaim salvation or bringing someone else into a new awareness of God’s love. In just 8 weeks God unified a group of people from all over the world to bring them into a greater understanding of who He is and what He is doing on the island of Lesvos. That is love.