Co-leading a DTS for the first time, I did not expect all the changes and the ups and downs that were ahead of us in the following few months.
So October came and we started the “race” with a lot of enthusiasm and joy, being excited about what was yet to come. God brought ten students to our school and we completely loved each one of them.

We are used to doing fundraising through church relations and offerings, but this year, that was not possible, so we thought we had to work harder. We did work hard, but God worked bigger and we had so much grace with the finances. The students have just left for outreach and the DTS is almost paid for in full.
When CoVID 19 hit our community, we were in the middle of the lecture phase. The next three teachers immediately cancelled their plans to teach live in the classroom and we had to work out solutions on how to still receive teaching, to be able to rest and recover, but also go on with the school. We were able to take a little break and no one was hospitalised (out of 30+ people). We started again and got back on track pretty soon. There were several teacher changes, plan switches, cancellations, but every time we got into a place of uncertainty, God brought us back on the rock, reminding us who He is and how only He works. His plans were bigger and better than ours.

The students witnessed God’s grace at work in many areas. We started with almost no money, and they were very sceptical but we’ve seen friends come around us and answer generously to our requests for finances. God touched not only our hearts but also everyone else’s who decided to stand beside us, which adds up to hundreds of people.

Then we had to pray and decide where to do outreach. We dared to dream big, planned to travel far despite the pandemic, but God narrowed our plans and He spoke about “loving our neighbours”. Little did we know that actually, He meant our next-door neighbours, our fellow Romanian people. We ended up sending the two teams to the south and central Romania. We’re still looking forward to seeing God move, challenging us to step out of our mindsets and limits and widen His kingdom.

Here are some short messages from some of the students:
“ My name is Claudia and it was a challenge for me to come to DTS because of the finances. Nevertheless, I was able to see God’s provision every day and the way He used certain people to help us along the way. This is the best time I’ve ever spent with my family since I gave my life to Jesus and I am happy that I said YES to God’s calling.”
“During the lecture weeks, I learned that God takes care of every single detail of my life and all I have to do is to focus on Him. When I was out of money, I prayed and God told me “Focus on the lessons I want to teach you and I will take care of the rest”. – Pavel
“Before DTS, I knew in my mind that God is good, loving and just. Now I also know it in my heart and I can see Him from a different perspective. He took care of me with finances, clothes, food and love. He is my Father and I am grateful for that.” – Adriana
“We came to the DTS for only two weeks but God asked us to trust Him and to step forward while He takes care of the rest. We experienced God’s faithfulness, His provision and His love as a father.” – Prodan family
We are so grateful to God for taking us gracefully on this journey and carrying us through the wildest valleys!
Miha Kuhnert,
On behalf of the DTS staff team in YWAM Medias, Romania

So happy to see God’s mighty hand working in Romania through our YWAM friends!