We just finished our SHINE training camp! Over the last 4 days, nearly 300 youth and adults, made up of teams from various nations of Europe came to listen to the Word of God, prepare for a missionary trips, worship God and, most importantly, host His presence.

We hosted our King’s Kids founder Dale Kauffman, who taught us how to walk with the Father the Jesus way. We heard about an intimate relationship with God, being a friend of God, not just a servant, and bringing God’s presence with us wherever we go.

In our teams, we prepared for outreach and participated in workshops led by groups and their leaders from many different countries.
Every day we stood in worship and waited for the Holy Spirit. We learned how to intercede for nations, our mission trips and for each other.
We listened to God’s voice and let ourselves be guided by Him. We experienced the movement of the Holy Spirit in a prophetic way, we received prophecies, visions and words of encouragement.
It was a time of building relationships and meeting different cultures and nationalities.
At the end of our camp we were commissioned and sent out on outreach to the nations of Europe!
“Go and make disciples in all nations” Matthew 28:19
written by Jana from Poland