“Forget all that— it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness, I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” Isaiah 43:18-19

Dear YWAM CE Staff, 

We look forward with great expectation to this new year, and all the new things that God is doing in us, both corporately and individually. Last year as we ended 2020, we believe God spoke this scripture to us as a signpost for what is to come. Across the many calls and breakout rooms, the word of the Lord to us corporately was clear. 

A New Season is Coming! 

On March 19th, 2021, we will meet via Zoom as our CE area for a time of worship together, and two types of breakout rooms (YWAM Value 4! Practice worship and intercessory prayer!)

First, we will have a randomly assigned breakout room for people to get to know one another and catch up. Our relationships with one another are important! Ywam Value 13! Be relationship-oriented.

Our next breakout rooms will be focused on intercessory prayer.

The groups will be organised in 12 different ministry areas that are in Central Europe

  • Disciple Making Movements (DMM, Frontier Missions) 

 DMM is an effective way to plant churches and make disciples that will make disciples! Let’s reach everyone with the Gospel!

  • Human Trafficking in CE

We stand together in prayer for the injustice that is happening around us. Praying for all the people that are being employed and trafficked around our area.  

  • Third-Culture Kids (TCKs)

Let us pray for this amazing bunch of children that are growing up in our mission. They are great resources and wonderful children, often growing up and creating their own 3 cultures. 

  • Family Ministries

We value families, and around CE there is amazing work happening in family ministry, and there are nations looking at starting family ministries. Lets pray!

  • Creative Arts

God is a creative God, and we are co-creating with Him. We will pray for the creativity to flourish in our area. 

  • Refugee Ministry

We are praying for our refugees in and around the CE area, for new YWAM initiatives, and for people’s salvation. 

  • Prayer Movements 

We are seeing a new movement of prayer and the prophetic in our area. Let’s pray for more prayer movements, 24/7 prayer houses, prophetic voices, and ministry of healing. 

  • Children at Risk

Acorus Around the area there are children that are neglected. We will be praying for all who are working with children from disfavored families and who are making a difference for these children.  

  • Urban Ministries & Evangelism

Urban ministries are a vital part of us, as the majority of the people in our area live in cities. We pray for the cities and evangelism around our area. We believe that from the streets to the beaches to the cafes; we will see people finding Jesus! 

  • Member Care & Coaching

We are as strong as we are together. We pray for each other, and all member care and coaching happening around our area.

  • Adoption & Fostering

Can we be the answer to some children’s need for a new family?  We are praying for adoption and fostering children.

  • Pioneering New Locations (Moldova & Montenegro)

Moldova and Montenegro are nations we are not yet in as YWAM. Let’s pray for new initiatives and for the well-being of these nations. 

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To let us know which ones you’re interested in. YES! Go do it now! It’ll only take 45 seconds. The rest of this blog will be waiting for you when you come back 😉

Welcome back! Thank you for contributing. 

If you missed our last CE Prayer Day in November 2020, you can find the video summary below:

Please keep an eye out for an exciting blog coming with more info about DMM, like our CE Facebook page, and follow us on Instagram to get updates. To join the call you will find the meeting code and password on our Facebook page the morning of, one hour before the start of the call.

Many blessings to you all, 

YWAM CE Prayer Day Team