The first MCFC Europe was held in Prod, Romania and as I am working more and more with people across the Central European Region, it felt right for me to come and learn some more skills to help with leading the wonderful people of YWAM in this region. It was also useful that they had shortened the school to two weeks, which is more manageable for me, and with pre- and post-courses it will still be all of the wonderful content of the 3 week course.
There were 17 students and 4 staff, and we had a wonderful two weeks together:
We did work hard, we only had one day off in two weeks and spent most of the time together in the classroom working around tables during lectures, or in pairs.
I feel I learnt so many useful skills and have a lot of good tools to be able to use to help people to help themselves. These are things that will not only be useful in my leadership role with YWAM in Central Europe, but also in whatever I do. I am so grateful that I decided to do this course!
Belinda Chaplin
I am thankful that I could be part of the MCFC in Prod, Romania in November 2017!
For me it was a resting place! Yes, it was a very active time and much to do and learn but the good care and support from staff and fellow students made it a very special time!

Everything we learned was very practical. Teachings, modelling, reflections and case studies helped us to see how we can and will apply what we learned. The course is very rich and we were blessed with many resources that we can use to help us in our ministries and teams.
For me this course is a tool box! I received many tools that I will use very actively in life and ministry to be more effective. I had many “Aha” –moments and I feel better equipped to continue with Member Care in Central Europe!
Bodil Ovesen, YWAM Bulgaria
In 2016, during the Member Care YWAM global gathering the group of the European Member Care providers decided together to work towards establishing and multiplying the MCFC here in Europe. Jane and Randy Rhoades, the founders of this course, agreed to partner with us for this journey and they invested themselves and shared their resources in a most generous way. In Prod we ran the first MCFC and (having multiplication in mind) in parallel offered training for future MCFC course leaders. I am very grateful to see how a stable team is forming that is committed to carry on with the MCFC here in Europe. This year we will run the MCFC in Restenäs, Sweden and we hope to again run it in a Central Europe location in 2019. Our hope is that over time there is in every team / base at least one to two people who have a basic tool kit for Member Care so that every single YWAMer in CE will receive the necessary support to thrive both in live and ministry. Come and join us – it would be a great joy to have you with us!
Heidi for the Member Care Circle YWAM CE