Last week we had our first ever YWAM Central Europe online gathering, and I think it turned out to be a big success! In the midst of a time that has been discouraging and isolating for many, it was nice to see so many familiar smiling faces on screen. We had about 200 people joining on 100 unique connections representing 13 of the 16 nations in Central Europe. It’s been a long time since we’ve had so many of our nations represented in one meeting together!
The vision came as we are in the midst of this worldwide crisis and all of the nations we are serving in are on some sort of lockdown. We wanted to gather together to worship and pray, turning our eyes to the One who is on the throne, to listen to Him, and also hear from each other and our leaders. Our YWAM Central Europe gatherings have always been like a big family reunion, with many strong bonds and connections across nations, and this gathering had that same family feel. I believe that as we heard from each other, God was speaking to us.
Two quotes stood out to me:
“I think it’s important to know we’re not alone, that we’re in this together as Central Europe…be encouraged!” -Miranda from YWAM Prague
“Could it really be that Jesus wants to do something completely new…? Could it be that there’s a huge harvest coming, and we should really get prepared? Are we joining Jesus [in what He is doing now], or are we just looking forward to the moment when this is all over and we can get back to “normal” again? -Bart from YWAM Constanta
We also took time to listen to a recent message from Darlene Cunningham as she shared on pruning after which we broke into smaller groups to pray and process. We were reminded of Jesus’s words in John 15, that the Father is the master gardener. He is the one who does the pruning! We can trust him that the things he is cutting out of our lives, our ministries, our programs, is for our good.
He is forming us into the kind of people (communities) whom he can trust with multiplication of fruit! Our job is to trust, and corporate in the pruning process, letting go of the things we might be emotionally attached to, and allowing him to purify our lives and our communities.
We hope to use this medium more regularly in the future as a way to connect as a whole area. Even when our nations begin to open up again it can be a great way to get together!
-Arlen Stoltzfus, YWAM Croatia