During the past six summers, inTouch has been coming to Prod in Romania. Part of YWAM Associates International, inTouch camps are geared towards encouraging former and current YWAMers but also giving friends of YWAM (supporters, sending churches, family members of YWAMers) a taste of our mission. 

We’ve been blessed to have great speakers over the years such as Dean Sherman, Mariette Louw and Edwin Fillies. This year it was the turn of Kim and Cindy Hunt to join us.  Well known in the region, they encouraged us to run our spiritual race with endurance.  
There was lots of time to process the teaching as well as to relax and enjoy each others company.  God really met us in a variety of ways as we worshipped, learned and relaxed in His presence.
Why not join us next summer in Prod? www.ywam-intouch.eu