I received a call from a friend in The Republic of Moldova inviting me to come and speak in a Messianic Jewish church, a Russian speaking church and a Romanian speaking church. He said I would speak in 6 different services and asked me to focus on evangelism and healing.
Evangelism and praying for healing are a part of my life but honestly, the invitation was quite intimidating since I had never traveled as a healing evangelist before.
As I prayed about it, I really felt the Lord’s presence on the invitation and I felt Him challenging me to step out in faith and see what He does! So, I said “Yes” and I am so glad I did!
I spoke from Ephesians 1 and talked about how it brought God joy to adopt us as sons and daughters, to see us spotless and blameless in His sight and to give us every gift in the spiritual realms. I finished with John 14:12 where Jesus himself said we would do greater works than He did!
Every church service was powerful and unique in its own way! Several people gave their lives to Jesus or rededicated their lives to Him!

Since the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is alive in every believer, I started the healing time by having the people pray for each other and people were getting healed! I finished by going through the room praying for people myself and by the time it was all over people were healed from leg pain, back pain, shoulder pain and many other things! Some people came asking for prayer for other people or for a personal breakthrough in their lives. I prayed for everyone I could and almost all of them felt the Lord’s presence and comfort while we prayed and/or were healed right then.
I made a video that I sent to my ministry partners about my trip to Chisinau Moldova, you can check it out here: Trip to Moldova!
As YWAMers, we are known for living on the edge and taking risks. It is one of the things I have always loved about YWAM! When we live life with the posture of “I will go anywhere, do anything and expect Him to show up” it is life-changing for us and for the people who encounter God through us!
What a privilege to live a life serving God!
Aaron was born in Northen California. He did his DTS in the beginning of 2002 in Chico California where he met Ana, and a couple of months after he graduated he moved to Cluj,Romania. They got married in March of 2003 and through the beautiful gift of adoption God gave them two amazing children. Emma (14) and Josiah (18 months). Aaron is passionate about worship and revival, seeing the kingdom of God powerfully manifested in Romania and around the world!