This last summer (July 7-17) we had a few Family Adventure Teams from Norway in Central Europe. In Croatia we had a team of 3 families and in Bulgaria 4 families.  We were so blessed that these families would take their vacation time to serve with us. It was very encouraging to spend time with them and they definitely blessed the people they met while they were here with us.

In Croatia

In Croatia
Prayer was a big part of the way they blessed people in both locations. In Bulgaria they prayed for the sick and saw many be healed. In Croatia, the families even had the opportunity to hear the story of the lady of the house where they stayed and pray with her. Other ways they blessed was through street evangelism, dance, making waffles, playing with children, sharing and teaching in churches and youth meetings. They brought a healthy family atmosphere where ever they went and they showed Jesus in many fun ways.
In Bulgaria


In Bulgaria
 They imitated the way Jesus served on earth by traveling to villages and cities praying for the sick, eating meals with people, teaching them, and much much more. Whether it was by laying the concrete floor of a family in a village in Croatia or encouraging Roma families in Bulgaria we saw God use them to build his kingdom here. It was especially a encouraging to see how each family (and family member) put their whole heart into serving us and the people they met! We were so grateful for these beautiful families. God was glorified by the way they served here in Central Europe!
In Bulgaria
– Plamena Kratcova (Bulgaria) and Ana Morosan (Croatia)