YWAM Poland‌ 

As YWAM Poland, we are one body of Christ but spread out for this moment in different locations. We believe that now is God’s timing to raise up new generations of missionaries who will serve in this country and beyond.


To find out more about each ministry location and how you can get involved, go to the different links below. 


YWAM Ustron


This historical and cultural city in the heart of Europe has so much to offer and many opportunities for ministering the Gospel.  Being a modern, international and university city, our YWAM missionaries have thrived here for more than 30 years.


We have a great children’s ministry in partnership with the local church and cooperate with a shelter for the homeless. We run discussion groups for high school and university students exploring the times in which we live.  Scripture provides coherent answers and helps to ground our sense of reality.

YWAM Wave of Revival

We emerged in response to the Ukraine war, providing emergency relief for refugees in Poland and Ukraine. Based in Rzeszow, Southeast Poland, our multicultural team spans five nations and two continents, with a capacity for 30 residents and many volunteers engaged since March 2022. Our local vision aims to ignite revival and reconciliation in Eastern Europe, equipping youth and families for the great commission. As a global movement, we unite Christians to make God known. We conduct various programs, including refugee shelters, carpentry workshops, street evangelism, and targeted activities for youth, children, and women. We offer training through Discipleship Training School (DTS), GO DEEP, and seminars. Join us as a volunteer, supporter, or pray for our projects. Apply now for DTS


Kings Kids Namyslow

This picturesque little town in the southwestern part of Poland is home to another of our Kings Kids teams and they serve with a local church.  There are great opportunities waiting here to be pursued. 


YWAM TOUCH ministries


We aim to empower vulnerable children, youth, and families to fulfill their God-given purpose through connection with the Body of Christ.

Inspired by Matthew 25:40 and 8:3, our mission is rooted in compassion and healing. We focus on Polish and Ukrainian foster families, orphanages, and refugee children, creating safe environments and sharing the gospel to strengthen those who have faced various crises.

Our strategy involves collaboration with churches, organizations, and authorities in Mercy Ministries, Training, and Evangelism. We seek to connect them with local churches, train volunteers, and provide effective service and life skills education, aiming to make a lasting impact on their journey to a brighter future.

A Brief History of YWAM Poland

YWAM has been working in Poland since the mid 70’s through individuals and teams that partnered with local churches and Christian movements.  In 1990 the first DTS was run in the nation and by 1992 YWAM had a staff of 20 people. The following year YWAM Kings Kids was established, impacting the lives of hundreds of children and their families. This early investment and foundation has helped to shape and deepen our ministries that carry on today.

To learn more about the country of Poland and how you can pray for its people, check out Operation World’s prayer guide

Fast facts about Poland
