As we take time with friends and family may the Lord bless you and give you great times together. Our kids who are at University will be with us at home for the holidays. We are really looking  forward to it.  

Looking forward with anticipation and hopeful expectation is such a key, positive aspect of our  humanity. It keeps us moving forward, keeps us on track, keeps us hopeful. During this season of  hope may the Lord give you faith afresh and perseverance to keep hold of the things He has  spoken to you, your family and base. May your vision and new inspirations overflow into every  area of your life. May the overflow then bless and touch those around you.  

We work and play unto the Lord. During this Christmas time we celebrate Jesus. He is the reason we celebrate. In light of eternity we say Maranatha. Come Lord Jesus! He came to earth as a  baby and lived and breathed among us. Now all creation awaits His return. We await His return.  There is a tension of what is and what will be. There is life now and yet life for eternity. In these  days I pray the Lord gives us His perspective on how to live out our days on earth with joy and  purpose. 

Christmas Greetings

This month YWAM Prague was involved in a city outreach called “Maranatha Christmas.” We  partnered with several churches in Prague. The first night we were on the Wenceslas Square, the  main square in Prague. We sang Christmas carols, performed a Christmas dance, and handed  out hot coffee. We also had signs saying, “What does Christmas mean to you?” A lot of good  discussions were had with people literally from all over the world. The God Test app was also  used as a survey and discussion tool. The next day we went to Old Town Square near the  Christmas Market. It was a blessing to be able to pray with people and share with them the love  of Jesus. On the last day of the outreach we went to the main train station in Prague and gave gift bags to the homeless. It was a chilly day and they were glad to have a hot drink and gift items  such as socks, hats, gloves, snack bars, and hygiene products. Best of all were the smiles, and  prayers. We were so blessed to partner with the churches in the area. It truly if a gift from God to  work alongside other brothers and sisters.  

As our eyes are turned toward Jesus this season I pray that we draw closer to Him. May we know of His comfort, His strength, His love in greater measure. He is our hope and life.  

Wishing you all a blessed, hope filled, Maranatha Christmas!

Robin Harsh