The 2018 Central European Leadership gathering was held near Cluj, Romania in May. The core circle of Florin, Arlen, Alket and I had the privilege of leading this wonderful gathering of 80 people who came together to learn about “The Keys”.

When we were praying through who to invite to speak, we all felt that it was right to have Stephe and Rite Mayers come and share their wisdom with us. And we can see that it really was God’s idea. It was so great not just to have them share from the front, but also in between as well. During the sessions, we learnt about transitions, and team leadership, and so many more “Keys”.

We also had the honour of opening on our first evening with Al Akimoff who shared stories with the common theme of the importance of simple obedience. It was lovely to have him and Carolyn and many of our other elders with us as well.

We also prayed in the new Area Circle Team (pictured below). These people will come alongside the core circle to provide leadership to the Area of Central Europe. Currently there are 17 people on this new “ACT”, representing countries and various regional ministries.

I was looking through the feedback forms from everyone and so many put as their highlight “the community” or “building relationships” or “spending time with others”. In our region of mainly smaller teams and bases, it is so important to be reminded of how we are connected to the bigger picture of YWAM.

We also had two afternoons of amazing workshops, and on one afternoon a lovely walk to a nearby waterfall. But we also had enough free time to build relationships and  network together in the beautiful surroundings.

All in all, it was definitely one of my most favourite gatherings to date!
Belinda Chaplin (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Convener for Central Europe

Now, don’t just take my word that it was a great gathering:
Here are some testimonies from other people:

The CELG was wonderful for me. I was able to get together for the first time in as the YWAM Slovenia team. Yes, there is a team soon in Slovenia! A wonderful couple from New Zealand is moving to Slovenia next year. For me this is a huge blessing and a testimony of God’s faithfulness and provision. Such a huge answer on many prayers, when we prayed that God would send people who would come and serve alongside me, pioneer and have heart for Slovenia the and Slovenian nation.

Andreja Klinc (Slovenia)

When we meet together as YWAM Central Europe, as a family, God comes through and answers to our search for him. The CELG was an amazing 4 days with great leaders from across CE. We enjoyed very good teaching from Stephe and Rite Mayers, we connected, we prayed together, we enjoyed the nature around us.

Tabita Huluban  (Romania)

It was great to be all together for the CELG meeting, seeing old friends, hearing what is going on in the different nations from Central Europe, making new friends and rejoicing together. I left from the meeting very encouraged and full of passion to extend the kingdom of God.

We had Stephen Mayers teaching about leadership, transition, how to be a model in leadership and how to take people along, to invest in them and then to make space for them to lead, as the example of Jesus, walking with his disciples, teaching them and then passing on the leadership.

Benjamin Simion (Romania)