Alongside our monthly Skype meetings, we also try to meet twice a year in person. We met in April in Albania, and we decided then that I would host them in Banja Luka, Bosnia Herzegovina in the autumn. Jason is on sabbatical in the US, but the other 3 came along and we had a great time – Alket from Albania, Arlen from the US, serving in Romania and Florin from Romania: Florin and I are the co-conveners of the team.

The first whole morning we spent having Skype meetings with people from different locations across Central Europe. It was our annual Prayer Day for Central Europe, and we managed to meet up with people in 10 of the 16 countries and prayed together with them. It was so good to connect with so many of the over 200 YWAMers who are in Central Europe! Below is a photo of us with two locations in Greece and one in Macedonia:

The rest of the time we spent meeting mostly just us, but we did have one meeting with our now former convener, Yohanan, who Skyped in from Ireland: It was great to have him impart some of his wisdom before he goes on sabbatical to decide what he will be doing next.

We also got out and about in Banja Luka, so they could enjoy the city and see how beautiful it is: here we are at the Kastel Fortress:

It was good to see each other in person and not just on Skype, and it helps to be together so we can make important decisions and we also did a lot of organising for our Leadership Gathering which happens next spring!

– Belinda Chaplin
YWAM CE Co-Convener