by cewebadmin | Sep 12, 2017 | Central Europe, Family Ministry
For many years now YWAM Romania has run a Family Camp every summer, focusing on strengthening Christian families in Romania and seeing parents and their children grow closer to each other and to God. Every year it seems to grow bigger, and this year was no exception...
by cewebadmin | Oct 27, 2016 | Family Ministry, YWAM Romania
This year we are very excited to be able to have for the first time two family camps. More families were able to participate, altogether we were close to 50 families. We are thankful to God for making this possible, for all the families that were on staff serving in...
by cewebadmin | Oct 15, 2016 | Family Ministry, YWAM Bulgaria, YWAM Croatia
This last summer (July 7-17) we had a few Family Adventure Teams from Norway in Central Europe. In Croatia we had a team of 3 families and in Bulgaria 4 families. We were so blessed that these families would take their vacation time to serve with us. It was very...
by cewebadmin | Apr 8, 2014 | Central Europe, Family Ministry, YWAM Slovakia
What’s happening at the new location – Lucatin:We have finalized our plans for the main building. With the help of our architects, Tomas and Ondrej, we transformed our concept of the building into a concrete proposal. The pictures below show what the...