by cewebadmin | Jun 8, 2014 | Central Europe, Central European Gathering
If you missed it – here it is summed up in a video…
by cewebadmin | Sep 13, 2013 | Central Europe, Central European Gathering, DTS, YWAM
The first ever Central European DTS Leaders Gathering! The Central European DTS Resource Team is excited to invite DTS Leaders to the first ever Central European Leaders Gathering. If you are serving with YWAM in Central Europe and are passionate about DTS...
by cewebadmin | May 31, 2012 | Central Europe, Central European Gathering, YWAM
How to sum up the YWAM CESG that was held at the end of May in Vajta, Hungary? Not easily – it was 4 days with 150 people in a fantastic place with great speakers and informative workshops, lovely times of worship, fun fellowship in the pool; everything you...