In October, our Central European Area Circle Team (ACT) met in Krakow, Poland. We hadn’t met in person since 2019 (we are zoom experts though!) and had added a few new people since then, so it really was great for us to get together again. Here we are in one of the parks in Krakow:

We spent a lot of time meeting together, encouraging each other and sharing updates. We worshipped together and spent time praying for the 16 countries in our Area. We also devoted some time to pray for the situation in the Ukraine and Russia which has also affected so many of our locations as they look after refugees or help with the effort in Ukraine in some way.

We had a special evening with the YWAM staff from all over Poland, getting to know them and also spending time praying for them:

Robin Harsh (centre) praying for the YWAM Poland staff
It wasn’t all work and no play – we did get to enjoy a lovely tour of the city with John Hess, who has lived with his wife, Helen, in Poland for over 30 years!

And after our evening sessions, we would go hang out and enjoy each other’s company in a relaxed way… sometimes too relaxed 😜 It is good to laugh though!!

It really was such a great time to catch up and all get on the same page, laying the groundwork for good working relationships for our continued monthly zoom meetings and interactions in between… As we are overseeing the 16 countries that make up YWAM Central Europe and the about 30 locations and 200 people, it is good to have our foundations right!
-Belinda Chaplin
Central Europe Core Circle