This year we have again cancelled the standard 6-month DTS for several reasons. The lack of students was a big factor. A few of the teachers were unclear about their vaccinations and over the course of a few weeks a lot of things changed and it brought me considerable confusion as to how the DTS could run. However, it appears that in these difficult times mini DTS is an excellent form through which to build young people up!

Mini DTS
This year we planned 2 mini DTS. The first ran July 4-10. It was an excellent full week in which we developed and strengthened relationships with this group of young people. The idea is to continue to build on the growth of these young people for a few years. We had 21 students and 6 staff. Time and time again I am convinced that Roma youth do not need special conditions to serve with high quality. One of the principles we applied in this Mini DTS was what Loren Cunningham told us in Prague in February 2020:
“It is important to marinate in the Holy Spirit”
That is, to immerse ourselves so much in the Holy Spirit that on the inside and outside, we carry the same Divine presence. I am happy that we were able to experience this strong touch from God. For several days the young people practiced their skills on how to share the gospel and how to minister to other people on the street. You could sense repentance and passion for purity in these youngsters. We had two themes for this week, Prophetic Evangelism and Identity in Christ.
This week of MINI DTS was held in perhaps one of the poorest regions of Bulgaria, Kotel. A main focus was to bring hope to the community and local churches.
The second MINI DTS/ 2 was held in the same region from 29 August to 3 September.
On 4 September we held a national youth meeting. The goal of this was to provide a practical opportunity for young people to put into practice what they have learned.
We are so excited to see the progress of these young people in the coming years and value your prayers for them and us,
Radko Kratsov,
Radko is married to Nevin, and together they have two wonderful girls, Siana and Debora. They live and work in Sliven, Bulgaria.
Radko did his DTS in 1996 in Chepelare, Bulgaria. His main focus is leadership training within the Roma community. He is part of the leadership team of YWAM Bulgaria and a part of the ACT in Europe.