Here at YWAM Durres, as every other summer, during July and August we ran the project “A Bible for every tourist, reaching the Balkans”
We came together 9 teams, 118 people, from various nations to share the gospel in creative ways through dancing, dramas, worship, facepainting, games, balloon shaping and many more.
This year we were able to give out 9280 New Testament, magazines for adults and booklets for children. We did ministry in 5 prisons, two local churches, gave food and the gospel to the poor and needy people on the streets and prayed for healing at the children public hospital. We did gardening, cleaning, prayer walks and prayer in a neighbour Muslim mosque. Had great times of hearing God, worshiping and doing prophetic workshops and fun cultural nights.
We shared the gospel and prayed for many people for salvation and healing. Many accepted God and were interested to hear the gospel and receive prayers. We faced a growth in hunger and openness for God in people to the point of them following us and asking to be prayed for and to receive a Bible.
At this point in 4 years time of this project we have given out 33280 New Testaments and booklets for children. Glory goes to God and gratitude to all who joined us in this adventure.